
Haha, I remember my dad teaching me the “stand by the booth” thing when I was like 8years old :)

Ah fair enough, there are parts which have ludicrously precise tolerances though

Milling is just milling, its not an overly expensive process. Not £1300 expensive anyway. Coke cans have some of the most precisely milled components in the world.

Sounds about right.

Full disclosure, Im an audiophile skeptic - Vinyl is not the be-all-and-end-all of audio media, Valve amplifiers dont do all that much, Wire coathangers match the performance of expensive HiFi cables etc.

Someone must have shot the gas tank with a single bullet at the exact right moment.

I live in the UK and the police here have their problems but I actually trust and respect them, conditionally, and in general.

Well, a) Im not sure I agree, and b) Im not sure if anyone CAN be sure if they would agree - Its practically impossible to go and give alternative approaches and their outcomes after a confrontation like this, you have no idea what would have happened if the policeman just held his fire.

To be honest, weather is the first sensible reason I have ever heard - didnt think of it myself, so fair enough, treadmills have at least one reason to exist.

The obliviousness of racist people who say without irony “Im racist”...

Hold up, serious question.

I dont recall them being “great warriors”, more “very angry and very tough and also basically insane. Oh and very, very expendable.”

...and you cant use lasers because although they penetrate the shield, when a laser interacts with a shield, it causes a nuclear explosion - and everyone just sort of agrees not to use lasers.

This cant be canon?

I have been discussing the fact that in the future, governmental models must take into account the differnce between clever people and stupid people (because both absolutely exist, and its nobody’s fault) whilst providing the same benefits to both (because even stupid people deserve happiness and safety). And stupid

I read all that and Im...still not 100% sure if these people actually make pillows...

Thats what I mean - Peloton didnt look at a single other treadmill apparently.

Fire and Passion!?

Wait, you “disagree completely”, or “that is what you like about him”?

Meh. Its really hard to get a good swat, or give a satisfying bird, with the halo and helmets and all that in the way, so it just ended up looking like a bit of a pathetic exchange.