
I live in the UK and the police here have their problems but I actually trust and respect them, conditionally, and in general.

Well, a) Im not sure I agree, and b) Im not sure if anyone CAN be sure if they would agree - Its practically impossible to go and give alternative approaches and their outcomes after a confrontation like this, you have no idea what would have happened if the policeman just held his fire.

The obliviousness of racist people who say without irony “Im racist”...

Hold up, serious question.

Fire and Passion!?

Wait, you “disagree completely”, or “that is what you like about him”?

Meh. Its really hard to get a good swat, or give a satisfying bird, with the halo and helmets and all that in the way, so it just ended up looking like a bit of a pathetic exchange.

I feel like this article just defined “pop music”.

One presumes that its specificity towards pretty women has been debunked

Not to mention - exactly what information can you get from someone by injecting a microchip, that you cant acquire simply by stalking their facebook or accessing their medical insurance?

Am I the only one who would absolutely pay to have him show up and talk at their wedding?


Honestly, since the guy we were all complaining about actually turned out to like *literal Nazis*, Godwin’s law is sorta obsolete.

Why would we need to adapt if its no big deal?

OK so we know they’re under....like, 50

Talk about what? The American people have been asked, and have answered.

“Curious on how many people have died in mass shooting since Columbine?”

Oh yeah? Well if you know MY guy, you’d know in the right places you can get one for only 14 tons of 6-9mm granite pea-gravel (=/<1%RCS).

That would be a geographical answer, which may or may not be relevant.

I wonder how many lives Covid has saved by reducing the incidence of mass shootings?