
To avoid any possible conflict due to my lack of communication skills, I think probably we are of roughly the same mind. I know I don’t have a perfect handle on these issues.

You cannot possibly have misunderstood my point to that extent....

This is a *good* thing, since the death penalty is barabric and unjust in all contexts, doing nothing to reduce or deter crime.

Wow sounds like the whole Salyer family turned out! Father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and grandfather!


Fair points, I cant pretend to understand completely, but it is a thing. You can’t fight hate with hate and “venting” doesn’t give you the right to say *anything*.

“...deny their own mothers lifesaving procedures...”

Im sceptical of any cooling solution that doesn’t require energy.

Im sceptical of any cooling solution that doesn’t require energy.

And if we could avoid using “cis” without any further qualification, as an insult, then we’d avoid another step backwards as well.

The birth of Medusa weapons, are you kidding me? Some of those jokes about 2020 are starting to seem a little too close to home man....

If it doesnt seem like a sporting documentary, then it actually sounds like the documentarian might have done a good job. Because he wasnt a sportsman.

I figured it out. It all makes sense.

Fight or flight is a powerful instinct

I believe its fear. I believe racism is a fear response. Thats why they tend to be cowardly and “all mouth” as it were. Looking at racists and racism as fear and cowards does seem to make sense to me, from their actions to thoughts, it seems to fit.

Plates still full of untouched food but every single wine bottle has been drained?

Just wanted to point out, for whom it may entertain, that that mook is not holding the bow by its handle, and it is upside down.

nonono...he *does* believe that people actually thought this, thats actually very credible...its just that those people must have been really, really, really stupid.

Jesus christ america....

Cmon man, there no need to ruin your good points with race/body/gender shaming.

Genuine answer. Even people with a braincell who know that trump is scum, would prefer a competent Republican to this dipshit.