
You know like when a 4 year old is like “I didnt take those biscuits” even though you literally saw him take them and the only other suspect, the only other person in the house, is me. No a burglar didnt break in seamlessly and steal 3 chocolate digestives from a new pack by climbing on a chair, leaving the chair in

They asked me how much my car was worth now.

lol @ “competently”

12000 times?

You talk like the trump base would prefer that he did respect women...

Its 100% true, sorry mate. Really wasn't expecting to get challenged in that if I'm honest.

What for?

If all presidents are shit, trump is a ball of it blasted into your face with a potato gun, bits of it making it into every orifice, eyes, hair everywhere.

Hitler was more honest than trump. 

You know with absolute certainty, that if he could, trump would own people.

Lightning Volt.

I do not for one second, believe that militant pro-lifers even give a shit about the fetus.

This’ll be a perfect fit for my daily “WTFSHIT is going on in the US today?” commentary that I give my friends here in the UK.

Ok, what did they catch you doing?

I can just see trump commissioning a helmet...like that could actually happen.

This image and quote pops into my head every-single-time I hear that phrase, wherever I am, whatever Im doing, ever since seeing that at the cinema.

Its been shown fairly robustly - and it has been examined quite deeply since, y’know, the cold war stuff - that if any one nation gained military “dominance” of space, that it would be extremely destabilising for global society.

I can tell you, this is not news to genetecists.


You took the rocks away.