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    The proof of how bad The Last Jedi was and how many fans hated it is the performance of Solo.  Solo was actually a pretty good movie and yet it bombed at the box office.  I’m sure once the fans give Solo a chance and actually watch it, history will show that it was a likable and good movie

    Prequels are actually pretty good if you skip the young Anakin scenes and the bad acting between Anakin and Padame, and jar jar binks scenes.  Liberals who are Star Wars fans also hate the movie...Like me...

    Some of the “outrage” is from alt-right social warriors that don’t like strong females, weak males, and social justice, and feel its an attack on their fragile egos.  But, its also a bad bad movie.  Bad plot.  Horrible world building to the point where all the canon built up from the old movies was wiped out.  Poor