According to a report from Inven Global, players and staff members say that for several years, Longzhu Gaming has …
According to a report from Inven Global, players and staff members say that for several years, Longzhu Gaming has …
Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!
Because you’re not supposed to be a giant douche?
I hope you never find yourself isolated from your family, and facing possible deportation, as well as an unknown future due to a tumultuous political climate. I hope that it takes less for you to gain some understanding of the human condition.
It’s the last weekend before Thanksgiving, so if you are anything like me, you are realizing you haven’t exactly…
That’s not necessarily a bad thing
You could save even more not playing video games at all. Hell, imagine how much time you could save if you just killed yourself right now.
Just registered to this site to say, wow, no one punch man... really being objective there. Specially the article kind of implies this list is trying to objective. And one punch man is without doubt the most talked about anime of the year. (Which is not a subjective statement, just a fact. And of course this doesn’t…
Okay, that is acceptable, but maybe next time you should add in that this list is based off your -and your colleagues- opinions.
Where’s One Punch Man? I guess that poll you put up was irrelevant...
Warner Bros’ marketing department is trying way too hard with this comes across as defensively begging us to take it seriously — he bought stickers, he sent glitter bombs, he was “crrrrazzzzzzzzzzy!”
We’ve all seen movies, read books and played games inspired by the works of sci-fi author Philip K. Dick. Californium is…
Nothing really stands out in this week’s release list. Oh wait, there is that one game...