Countries do discriminatory economic practices all the time. For better or worse, it’s an aspect of governing—duh—and all countries are guilty/proud of doing so.
Countries do discriminatory economic practices all the time. For better or worse, it’s an aspect of governing—duh—and all countries are guilty/proud of doing so.
“you never here of police shooting beating killing, young white kids”
Aww, poor BLACK man, he was just having fun shooting people around, right? Fuck you and your whiny reverse racism. He deserved to be shot like the dog he was. What happens to white thugs in similar scenarios may be unjust and unfair but in no way exonerates this creep and his violence.
If you fire a weapon into other people’s apartments you have a pretty high likelihood of winding up dead. Also it does harm the credibility of BLM because it undercuts their message. Outrage over Tekle’s death, after hours and hours of efforts to get him to surrender, implies the lives of the black children in the…
I wonder if that young mother who apartment was shot into would agree that “no one was in danger”?
Making every black person killed by police a martyr leaves you in a position where you are defending terrible people who got themselves killed by the police and lessens the ability to point out actual bad police behavior, of which there is plenty. This story assumes he was killed for being black and anyone who reads…
White people, even innocent unarmed ones, get shot and killed by police regularly. Those cases just rarely make it to the mainstream media because race wasn't a factor. I'm sure Daniel Shaver would have something to say about your comment, but he was murdered, and the cop who did it got off, was reinstated by the…
Right?? Both sites used to be thoughtful and had well written critiques (along with the occasional gossipy bits). Now it’s all just inflammatory articles and sensationalism.
Dear American Left, this isn’t the hill you should die on.
TheRoot lives off of spewing vitriol and nonsense to rile up commentors. Same as Jezebel. Which is a shame, since as a white dude living in a city that is 99% white (not joking :( ) I don’t have many reliable sources for news that impacts women or minorities, so I am left dealing with Jezebel and TheRoot more often…
“Tekle, this is your dad again. I love you. I know you love me. Please talk to the negotiator. They really got to talk to you. Please do it, for me. Thanks,” he begged, per the video.
Nah, he was shooting into an apartment with kids around. If this guy shot into your house with your kids there, would you have this same kind of energy?
I’m sorry, but he really brought this on himself, we’re all, mostly as Americans, suffering some degree of mental illness, so that’s really not enough of an excuse in this case. I just can’t find cause to blame the cops, this time.
So this guy was shooting into somebody else’s apartment, refused to come out of his own, and had a standoff with the cops for hours? And they shot him?
Benjamin, this is going to end up a justified shooting that ends with 5 more black people getting killed from the riots
Bullshit! He wasn’t only a danger to himself. Absolutely justified.
I have not seen any protests or outrage or even commentary over the killing of 73 y/o James Lambert.
Sad to say but, Teckle was NOT “only a danger to himself”. He was shooting INTO NEIGHBORS’ APARTMENTS & OUT HIS OPEN WINDOW. Plenty of people in Minneapolis—-& around the country—-are being shot, seriously injured and even dying due to “stray bullets” that were NOT “aimed at them”.
Always seems like when we get a gun totin’, gang bangin’ fatherless Black dude he is having a mental crisis when he decides to shoot up a place. This punk shot up a woman’s apartment with her kids there while she was cooking dinner. Then lo and behold guess who shows up? Yup BLM lol! AND The Root like race pimp…