Pooda Chuts

It's clear you won't or can't backup what you said in any meaningful way.

Articulate the "white person POV" please.

Who cheered for unarmed African Americans being gunned down?

Refuting stereotypes is overhyped and boring. Many stereotypical people exist and they are interesting too.

Racist statement on your part, sad and shameless.

It's a valid question when considered dispassionately. Boiled down, the film is a love story. That love, against the backdrop of the time period, is a taboo love involving high levels of risk to the lovers. It's very much like any film about people stepping out of their marriages to engage in an affair. Through that

I often see people commenting that Brokeback should have won that year, unquestionably. They never say why, just that it should have won. When asked to imagine it as a standard heterosexual love story? Blank stares.

In reference to the quote he commented "take that statists!" and you go right to Mitt? Shamelessly short sighted.

In reference to the quote he commented "take that statists!" and you go right to Mitt? Shamelessly short sighted.


He will be forgotten quickly after that last GenXer is in the ground.