That month was Bloodborne AND Ratchet & Clank. Crazy month!
That month was Bloodborne AND Ratchet & Clank. Crazy month!
“Gay good, straight horrible and never again!”
Stop trying to ruin our fucking video games with your fucking racism, and I would say that to a black man or a white girl or a black girl or a Chinese girl or an Asian man or anyone.
Honest question- why is it a bad thing to be anti-Islam, but it’s entirely fine to be openly critical of Mormonism, scientology, etc.?
I’m not a Sam Harris, nor a Jordan Peterson fan boy. Especially with Peterson, I think he’s alarmist and often times makes insane conclusions not connected to reality.
Seriously. I read the article this morning and it’s not nearly as bad as this post makes it out to be.
Articles about pop culture and entertainment on a pop culture and entertainment website? How naive we were back then.
Please explain how Sam Harris is a nazi?
I’ve just been watching some of the trailers for Detroit: Become Human (and, as you say, a trailer has more time to show off the game than a TV spot) but that is pretty much what they’re going for, the “multiple choice” angle.
Imagine how the marketing department for David Cage feels, then.
I am often excited by cutscenes. Plenty of games are interesting to me for their themes and mood more so for their gameplay. I was completely sold on Gears of War by the Mad World trailer, the idea of a hauntingly desolate world as a hardened soldier holds of aliens in a crumbling city*. I was far more excited for the…
They didn’t say he needed to shut up.
what is ultimately the point of Trump attending this thing? two scenarios result, neither of which would be good for Trump:
Maybe I should be glad he didn’t just post “NERD!” as a reply?
I don’t disagree with you. I welcome the clarification, and the denunciation of Trump, who is the worst. And if Chance felt the need to apologize on top of that, for his own reasons, fine. I’m not criticizing Chance. But I believe the atmosphere where people would demand an apology for that statement is…
I think the “need” or at least utility of the plural second person is demonstrated by how often dialects have created it. “Y’all,” “Yuz,” “Yins,” and “You’s” are all plural second persons informally created through dialect.
Not to mention that Atlanta has gotten way more critical acclaim and mainstream success in its first season and a half than Seinfeld did by this point in its run (even accounting for the fact that there wasn’t a year-gap in between seasons like there was for Atlanta).
I neither get to choose what deserves an Oscar, nor would I make such a silly distinction from the dozens that come out each year. But, the Academy does, and they, up until fairly recently, have picked movies that either have a type of genre, or storyline that fits a narrative. I don’t need to study movies as an art…
But in a world where white men can fail upward until they succeed, black men and women who create, and are successful at creating, deserve the same opportunities, funding and support as, say, Zack Snyder or Michael Bay, despite the fact they ruin most things they touch.
Yeah, whom is for direct objects. I effed up