
It’s actually worse, because if we consider race just as important as anything else, that means your skin color means as much as your character.

And to say it is is racist, by definition.

Oh, let’s all praise each other for trying to make Race as important as Actual Content.

You guys don’t think you’re helping others by hurting others based on their Race?

“What it means when white people call you racist”—an example from the Root of a headline that shows that you guys have blown past what racism means (and I mean you guys as crazy progressives, no one else) to be instead racists in your own way, right out in the open.

*you’re bad, (“comma”)

You people are so fucking stupid

You know it’s bad when people start saying racism is racist no more and to not be racist is actually racism. That’s bad.

You’re a Marxist man, stop it

Stop trying to ruin our fucking video games with your fucking racism, and I would say that to a black man or a white girl or a black girl or a Chinese girl or an Asian man or anyone.

How ‘bout some Martin Luther King, bitch?

How ‘bout you stop making a big thing about race about Everything?

I mean, do you work as hard as an executive? I think not. Most of us don’t. I don’t know if I’m ever going to work a day in my life as hard as executives work every week. Unless you want to work 80 hours a week and totally destroy your life to be some kind of big success story, then stop fucking talking about it. Or

“Lining the pockets of executives.”

Peasant? God, get over yourself. With access to the whole fucking Internet, probably a smart phone to do it wherever you want in the country, and more food than you can eat, and you’re fetishizing yourself as some kind of fucking peasant. Just start killing the rich and get over it, you commie.

Too bad? Are you serious? Did you really want that to win, as an honestly artistic movie? Like did you really, legitimately think that Black Panther deserved as a movie to win?

So bad press is more important than actually judging the movie for what it is? Yes, I get it, politics play a big part in the awards, obviously. But in our assessment of what should’ve won, if we’re taking bad press into account, then we’re douchebags too. Seriously.

Now playing

I know you guys are crazy, here, but Gavin McInnes is really good with his now-defunct show—a hidden wonder, if I would.

Also, don’t embrace that fist symbol, unless you want to embrace the Swastika too.

I mean, please. “We worked so hard, and we made a great game, so now we want to fucking breakt he contract with you.” Nope--don’t take money from people if you don’t want to honor the contract, fuckers.