P.F. Bruns

@NorwoodIsMyHero, @Blash: There are a LOT of problems with labor in the U.S., starting with how unemployment statistics are kept. The fact that anyone still looking for work after six months is no longer counted as looking for work is a problem. Underemployment is not counted at all.

@Stevox: Well said, but I agree with DaltonAtlas. We're slipping badly on human rights. There are elements of our Congress that would turn back the labor clock to about 1903.

@SKiTz: Your suggestions on how to minimize consumption would, of course, be welcome, but bear in mind that the typical American consumer—let's say me—has been offered convenience after convenience and conditioned practically from birth to believe that our consumption-heavy way of life was good and right and just.

@WookieLifeDay: Agreed. I don't think studio execs know that all superheroes aren't Chris-Reeves-ian in proportion, though.

@WookieLifeDay: Fair enough. Let's face it, it's always been hard to get the male demo interested in anything but cute squeaky female companions (Louise Jameson, who played Leela, once joked that her character typically wore a leather leotard "so dads would tune in after the football results").

@WookieLifeDay: True, at least according to the way Len Wein, Jon Romita, Jr., and Herb Trimpe created him. But what action star would be available at that height whom the studios could trust to build a movie around? The number of good actors at 5'5" is probably pretty big (I'm 5'6", but not in Hollywood, and not

@WookieLifeDay: Did your friend skip over the series previous to RTD? One of the first companions, Ian Chesterton, was male, as were Steven Taylor, Ben Jackson, Jamie McCrimmon, Harry Sullivan, Adric, and Turlough.

@anthromt: His life situations since his advertising days do still cast an ironic light on his Hertz "running thorugh the airport" spots, though, yes?

@Will Ryan: As an animation fan, I'll second that. It looks like a studio dusted off some generic 1980s "shaky-line" character and reused the cels.

@cesariojpn: You may wish to check your computer—I'm getting an oversharing error message when reading your comment. ;)

@kalaeth: "And the rabbi says to him..."

@KeyserSöze: I had already heart-clicked you, but if I hadn't, this would have been the post. ;)

@Ducttape-Guru: I'm going to guess that the MPG approaches ∞, unless you drink 87 octane.

I was stopped by a sheriff's deputy for having the license tag in my rear windshield (in Florida, apparently it has to be bolted in somewhere outside the car, and I had had mine stolen recently, so was a little gunshy about putting the new one right out in the same place). Anyhow, the fetish part of this is that the

@wkiernan: Well, THAT girl, absolutely.

@DieselDutchman: Her racing suit looks like it's reining in some serious curves, and that revs my engine.

@HideyoshiJP: I loved the "pink pony" dialogue in the ad with the "competing" car insurance guys...

@pauljones: Also, like Megan, early Firebirds have only one facial expression.

@greenpickle512: Thank you for posting that link. I LOVE this new font! Looking forward to using it.

@Doctor How: From what I hear (since I'm not going to pay to see Megan Fox in a lead role), Josh Brolin nearly singlehandedly saved Hex. Despite Tommy Lee Jones' outstanding performances in the first two installments (even that glorified TV episode that was MiB II), I think "young Kay" is in good hands.