P.F. Bruns

@AmphetamineCrown: Well, now you're starting to make sense. Given that you're going to discuss what you're going to discuss—and yes, I realize that yours was only the first response to the post that actually deviated from the article—here's my response.

@AmphetamineCrown: And yet, I'm not the one calling someone a baby because I disagree with them.

@AmphetamineCrown: I started out trying to be firm but fair, but when the responses I received from you exhibited the charm and tact I associate with a rhino who has just had his tail pulled, I did respond with perhaps less than my optimum courtesy.

Giugraro? I think you mean "Giugiaro."

@FrankenPC: I don't care about the thread. I'm discussing the article itself. Also, regarding using the term "protip": You're getting paid for this? Congratulations. Of course, if you're not, would you like to know how I know you're a douchebag?

@faust: Ask the stockholders.

@FrankenPC: Neither am I, genius. The actual article is about inbound customer service reps, not telemarketers.

@AmphetamineCrown: Then you should RTFA. It's about calling a customer service department.

@infmom: I'm not a telemarketer myself, and was unaware that the actual post was about telemarketers. That said, I believe that while telemarketers are still human beings, you have every right to hang up on one if they ignore your attempts to be polite but firm. Frankly, you are doing them a service by trying to be

@FrankenPC: I don't do outbound. The only way you get me is if you call me.

This one will have Pamela Anderson lying awake at night.

The actual preferred military terms for this type of evolution are "charlie foxtrot" (for which the civilian term is "cluster") and "this tank is Tango Uniform (for "t*ts up")."

@HDCase: This is a short-term solution to a systemic problem. Yes, there are quite a few companies where going over the heads of those in customer service yields results, and even some where the department tasked with customer service is really just there to insulate the customer from the very people you're

@kelmc623: And that one fact, regardless of how upset you are, definitely makes a customer service rep like me much more likely to be in a frame of mind to want to help you. I'm not being sarcastic. The vast majority of us WANT to help, and having a customer treat us like actual people is just better all around.

@virgilstar: You do know that as long as there is no intent to deceive (for instance, an attempt to dodge a legal contract), that assumed names are perfectly legal in the United States, right? Also, those names, where used, are generally assigned by the company said agent works for for security purposes (notably, so

@GirafficPark: I think that's going to be my new stage name. ;)

@FrankenPC: Now, if someone phoned you up and screamed at you, what would you do if you were in that situation? Seriously, no matter how much you dislike how someone is handling (0r not handling) your problem, please remember that that person is still a human being just like you, and the fact that they have chosen