
You're welcome. Let me know how you're doing in a month or so! :)

It's not that hard to quit, actually. I quit after 15 years of steady smoking without too much difficulty. My wife's parents quit after 35 years fairly easily as well. I think the idea that it's harder to quit than heroin is a meme floated out there by the tobacco industry's research or something. A little

I don't know, I think I might get the willies myself.

porn movies?

Yeah, I hope we get some really cutting replacement the way John Oliver turned out to be with his own show. Someone who mercilessly tears people to shreds.

I wonder if he just saw John Oliver leave… and then Colbert… and thought he should leave, too. I could see the feelings set in like "I'm still here? Shit, I must suck or something." But, really, I think that show suits him really well and not sure what he would do next… go to HBO and get an R-rated version like Bill

I have to upvote myself on that one.

He should have bent him over a chair and gone to town.

I guess he thought he and his wife were "working this out" in couples therapy?

If that happens, it will be because the government invented a California super-polio just to get people back in line and back to taking their inoculations against free thought .