Just a guess.
Yeah, that plane wouldn’t be good in a shitstorm for obvious reasons.
Jesus Christ who hired this guy? Ooooh yeah.
That’s not the way president Trump uses it. Didn’t you see the debate? :)
Americans are impatient if nothing gets done in a year they will be whining. They expected Obama to fix the recession in three months.
I believe it’s pronounced swatch.
He tried to take all our votes away and the judge told him and his lawyers to piss off.
My favorite comment today. Thank you
Derp ah me? Oh Donald!
Pumpkins won’t fit in the microwave and it makes the lipstick melt.
Little known fact, their horses run on the opposite side of the track counterclockwise from our horses.
Dwarf clone of George Washington most likely.
That’s the back? Were they done designing or gonna keep at it? They should worry about the car then the name.
The Shat heard round the world.