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    No and this is coming from a ho with no standards.

    I’m going to say probably 3 million.

    I love watching movies on IMAX but when I saw the trailer for this movie I had to cover my ears, something I haven’t done before at the IMAX. It was waaaay too loud. I’m still going to watch it on IMAX or on 70mm in another theater.

    Harpo who dis woman?

    I might have been 11 or 12 when I moved to this country.

    I’m celebrating by watching 2001: Space Odyssey on 70MM in Chicago.

    At least the didn’t call the cops on me ‘cause that would have been embarrassing.

    As a teen with no internet access at home I used to go to a book store and grab Playgirls take the out of the plastic bag and hide them in other books and look at them. I even stole some hehehe!

    It is, I tried for a little but I just couldn’t so I was like ok bye.

    So I started giving head to this guy but then he asked me to slap his balls at the same time but that was hard and I couldn’t do both things at once. I also tried chocking but it didn’t feel as nice as I had imagined.

    They all look like gay twinks.

    The only ones that matter to me are HAMM and Oscar Isaac I would hit it until it falls off. Y’all can keep the rest.


    A radio host also said that back in the day his friend hooked up with him in a bath house.