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    I don’t notice much difference when I poop. I got a brand new one at Goodwill for $3 and I’m not sure if my toilet is just lower than a normal but my knees almost come up to my chest and this is the 7" model so I don’t really like it.

    I don’t notice much difference when I poop. I got a brand new one at Goodwill for $3 and I’m not sure if my toilet

    Noooo! Just think of the private sector, won’t somebody please think of the private sector.

    Is this feud interesting?

    I know a 26 yr old who is already injecting all kinds of stuff into her face. She already has big lips yet she does her upper lip so it looks like she was stung by a bee. Yeah that’s not going to end well.

    That’s what I think, many of the people that are willing to go to the theater are not going to watch it online just because it’s available. Plus it’s not as simple as seeing it on YouTube. Same with the stuff from Netflix those people are going to pirate that stuff no matter what.

    There’s other videos where you can see family members also leaving the stands, so it was not just the students.


    May rest in peace, sorry I mean I hope he BURNS IN HEll. Bitch!!!

    What I find creepy is that it recognizes pictures of me when I was little or pictures of me in a crowd that aren’t even that clear.

    Who and who broke up?

    I just right clicked on it and did search on Google and found it. I originally didn’t know where it was from I just found it on Tumblr.

    Ok so the internetz says that’s from a movie called “Dolls” from 1987

    You made my day.

    I bought one of these at Goodwill new for $3 and I’ve been using but I haven’t felt like it has made a difference. It’s also weir because my knees come up to my chest and this is only the 7" one.

    I bought one of these at Goodwill new for $3 and I’ve been using but I haven’t felt like it has made a difference.

    My previous dentist had a TV in the room where they did the procedures and fucking Fox news was on every time I went. That crap was more painful to hear than getting my root canal. So I had to switch dentist.

    I find this more interesting than any of the avengers movies.

    I got a brand new one for my sister for $125 I work at a store and I marked out the display which retailed at 3k for just the mattress. I wouldn’t buy one even if I found it for the same price because they get hot AF so no thanks.

    Don’t get those stones, just get ping pong balls and shoot them out. That should be a good workout.

    Aaron can finally get back together with his boyfriend.