Aaron can finally get back together with his boyfriend.
Aaron can finally get back together with his boyfriend.
That’s what I was gonna say, same goes for Nicole Kidman.
I recently bought the aukey 50 mile antenna and it works just as well as the 50 leaf antenna. The quality of the leaf is way better tho.
I recently bought the aukey 50 mile antenna and it works just as well as the 50 leaf antenna. The quality of the…
I’ll take two of those.
The Aukey antenna works well, I get the same amout of channels that I get with the Leaf 50 amplified antenna that cost a lot more.
The Aukey antenna works well, I get the same amout of channels that I get with the Leaf 50 amplified antenna that…
Same happened to me, I didn’t checkout right away and when I tried again it stopped working. I was going to get the Canon lens for $75 but now it’s up to $100
Same happened to me, I didn’t checkout right away and when I tried again it stopped working. I was going to get the…
Or bad comedies with overpaid actors.
It’s only worth seeing the musical numbers, the rest of the movie is pretty long.
Wait but I thought they elected him because he was going to bring more jobs to America?
It pisses me off that they didn’t vote because they didn’t like either of them. Well too bad there’s never a perfect candidate so there are time when you just have to pick the least bad one. I really hope that some of these people that didn’t vote get screwed in one way or another by Trump’s administration so they…
That’s what I was thinking about, they’ll pay people to show up just like he did when the made the announcement that he was running for president.
I have smelled hers and they are horrible, they have that really sweet scent that most of the celebrity perfumes have, if I was you I would smell them first before you buy them. Same goes for Ariana’s
I’m sure you regret not going every day.
He might look like a sick bear but I still would.