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    I think that’s Lindsay Lohan’s mom

    That’s the thing I hate about the GoPro is the fish eye lens

    That’s what I was going to say, she should get one for every character. Sometimes I forget that it’s that same person playing all of them.

    The answer is not just having more public bathrooms. People are such nasty pig on public restrooms and that’s why a lot of places don’t just let anyone use them. I work in a store and you should see the things people do, if it was up to me it wouldn’t be open to others besides employees.

    Fuck this! I’m out.....there’s no way the show will work without them.

    So something like this?

    I don’t under why the schools have this option instead of the epipen. A lot of school have a nurse on stand. Or they not qualified to inject people.

    So we put other people’s genitals in our mouths or stick your tongue in “some” places and yet we get grossed out by eating stuff that has touched the floor.

    Even if he was the opposite I still think it would be hard for someone to bone him, there’s nothing attractive about him.

    Three ways are too much work and one of the people always get left out. I guess the only person who truly enjoys it is the one that gets spit roasted.

    Stephen Holt left NBC Chicago a couple months ago.

    I would be afraid if chipping a tooth.

    I would be afraid if chipping a tooth.

    I hope Satan made a special place for you in hell.

    Damn it I should have bought more when my store had them for $4.99 a pound bag.

    That’s how I feel, she seems like she doesn’t want to be there that’s why she doesn’t even try. It must be horrible to be so medicated. Is her dad so money hungry that they won’t let her just take a break.

    I think that happens with all phones, I happened with my Nexus 5 and LG that’s why I try not use it too often.

    I got a quick charger for my Lg g4 and the same thing happens, it get too hot, but that doesn’t happen with the regular charger.