
Anyone else having trouble connectng to online matches? it keeps saying "lost connection to server" even though I'm online and connected at ~10mbps+ it did this to me in the beta, and then not so much in the demo....

@FuzzyHorror: Chaz drops a higher level of bonecrusher.

@Michael Dukakis: I am Ozymandias, King of Kings, look upon my works ye mighty and despair

@Xuchilbara: How does whole new level of rarity (pearlescent or as were all clling it cyan) New orange guns, new shields, new mods.

I was just getting ready for the fight with Crawmerax.... I hear he legitmately take about 15 minutes brute force to kill, but rains loot. i mean like 100+ guns mods and shields.

@keggers: Yeah, however there are now corrosive brand lance that like corrosive alpha skags are immune.

@Nethlem: I know all this will eventually "blow over" and everyone will be richer for the experience.

@Nethlem: Your post, while well thought out, forgot one thing.

@tetracycloide: That was the point. However, publishers can't just let there products get stolen, or else gaming becomes a thing of the past as they go out of business.

@arionfrost: Goddammit thank you. Almost all of my friends gve up something for lent, year after year despite the fact that non of them are practicing a(any) religion. IT drives me nuts. I'm by no mean super religious but it just bugs me. You don't have give stuff up in lent. I encourage them to do it anytime

@DreamDivision: provided I can play it (PS3) I will be getting it at midnight.

@I_Like_TDs: would you continue to leave that door open?

@Ethereal87: I think its fair to be upset with pirates and be annoyed with publishers. I think we have to start thinkin of publishers as the "little guy" in this case, becuase they are clearly out numbered.

No before all the rage at the developers and publishers begins... I'd like you to think for a second and redirect that rage at the real problem.