
@FP Shindokie: We all have our slipups i suppose, just last week i got reamed on Giz for making a tasteless joke about the special olympics. Not Cool. but i thought it worked. boy was i wrong.

@FP Shindokie: Oh man, I almost, just almost commented on the fact you were gonna get disemvoweled when i saw your comment, but held off.

The stigma the WWII era germans have incredible. We can play as virtually any faction from any war, but the Nazis are too real i guess. I suppose it was all those people they killed. then again, why are we playing as hired guns to warlords in games like Far Cry 2 when they have done the same if not far worse?

@RockyRan: I'm sure the idiots he's refering to are those who haven't played wii in a long time and insist on copy pasting that into every wii topic, we don't give a shit how long its been since you played, keep it to yourself.

@PolkOut.com: Wouldn't be the same. This is the one game that needs the waggle. its totally wouldn't translate to button pushes.

@Rebochan: I loved madworld, but if the story had been much longer, it would have outstayed its welcome. its a good diversion to pick up now and again, not meant to be an epic tale.

@Kenology18: There was a shocking lack of puns in that statement... and thus a pun:

@singleton: He got disemvoweled. He posted off topic so the mods jacked him up... its no internet fad my friend.

@ithyphallus: But giving a Full game only 5 minutes isn't the same as a five minute demo. Demos are designed to show you the greatest features and showcase the games abilities and aims.

@Makidian: well thought out observation. it would appear as though in general none of these companies are doing poorly, just different than last gen

@Dancing Ketchup: lol, i see what you did there. also i apologize in general for the sepcial olympics cut, its just the only phrase that made sense when referring to many(not all, very surely not all) DS owners.

@Gengar91: yeah but its not a console. its a handheld. thats like comparing a yacht to a life raft.

@ryanwhitworth02: @edhe (xbl): I was simply making a point about how people do things that aren't in anyones or their best interest ...

@squidyj: Ummm yeah. but i was mostly making mention of how gamestop is a game store not a front for drug smugglers.

@WhatTheFrag: the only worthwhile perk is the blades. lol. whats playstation home anyway? Didn't that close down like right after it launched cuz its useless.

@VenomStrike: Yeah I'll bet the administration is all for closing one of the few fortune 500 American companies down still turning a profit down, becuase you don't like them.

@DefHamster: I don't understand how people can continue to smoke cigarettes when you usually just get cancer...

@Danj3ris: Almost exactly what i thought... I can't wait.