
@Skyburnbright: It won't. as one of the laid off, all we were was game testers. My boss said they were considering doing most of the QA testing by inviting kids from University of Illinois to do it for free. makes sense, (what college gamer wouldn't QA test for free?) but its a bummer considering i need a new job

Lost my job. :( hows a poor college kid supposed to survive now? I loved Volition! And Red Faction Guerilla is gonna actually be kinda fun!

@-MasterDex-: yeah. cept for the 73 hours you could have spent ya know, living.

This is actually pretty sweet, I think i heard tell he was working on making a replica Big Daddy! can't wait to see it!

@Paul_Is_Drunk: annnnd My favorite game of all time: SSBB. the only games i own are mario kart, SSBB, Twilight, Galaxy, and Guitar Heros.

@Foxstar Sixtail: But you can just trap Doomsday at the end of time, you can't do that to Galactus, he is time. so in the long run, Galactus would just devour Doomsdays energy. then leave him at the end of time.

@Crash_Man: and for the record, I have a wii and love it, just am often disappointed with the game selection. Also it was a joke.

I kinda figured the US would be on there only to discover that it wasn't, then i remembered its easier to make some shovel ware wii game than pirate one.

@armchairnixon: you know i wrote that and considered throwing in a blatant pokemon reference since it was so close. lol good call.

i wasn't sure about this but now i must buy them alll!

@Jim Wade: that is a suprisingly bad ass story.

@etchasketchist: you could call it that... or you could say he talks like someone who has made a ton of money and wants to use it all on things that make him happy... plus yeah he always speaks like that.

I don't know how i feeel about this game... it looks like ti could just turn out to be a brawler with a musical twist instead of some really ground breaking game? Is it just me that feels like this or are there others?

I wish it was free, but i'm not complaining, we owe criterion our continued loyalty after thequality product they have provided!

Oh pokemon. When will you make a full 3d version of your game for the consoles? just make sure its a remake of blue.

@Tom Wheldon: I think he meant sweet ass as in this is a sweet ass game...

@InfernoT: i bet the writers would make more on donations from gamers for the quality of service they provide than they do with gawker.. lol we should all chip ina twenty and buy it.