Or, these types of articles work to delegitimize trans identities and experiences among allies and potential allies, thus reducing safety for all trans people and making it easier for fascists to harm trans folks with no protection from allies.
Or, these types of articles work to delegitimize trans identities and experiences among allies and potential allies, thus reducing safety for all trans people and making it easier for fascists to harm trans folks with no protection from allies.
So what you’re saying is that a secret-ish group of many people who represent a significant portion of those who write the news in the US and who are passively or actively resistant to including trans perspectives in their group, despite the fact that they report regularly on trans issues and as a result have a…
As Harron pointed out, the fact that there is not much research and writing about trans issues means that what DOES get published carries a lot of weight and power with the average joe’s reading it. The fact that this cis person has irresponsibly become a sort of spokesman for “trans issues” (putting that in quotes…
“I’m not interested in sharing this list or any other space with someone who is going to insist on nullifying and erasing my existence and experience as female,” a prominent futurist in progressive news media wrote back.
The fact that they toss out around the word “groupthink” so freely while ensconced in a secret, private listserv where they happily jerk each other off about how great they are is pretty much the epitome of the problem.
Is it plausible that after the 2016 election, we all died and are now collectively living some sort of Jacob’s Ladder scenario?
It’s a couple centuries past time to end police patrols. No other emergency service operates this way and- surprise- no other emergency service goes around murdering and maiming people in daylit public places.
The cops brutalized the poor girl. However “don’t you have anything better to do” to cops is a guaranteed way to the pearly gates for black people. She had the privilege to say that and that same privilege got her out alive.
How the heck do people think Bill Gates/Elon Musk are weird when Steve Jobs decided to wear a black turtleneck everyday, become a fruit vegan and was always washing his feet in the office toilet?
They never crossed paths before Trump became President which is telling
I haven’t watched the reboot but Jackie was always kind of a ditz who couldn’t figure her life out. She had like 3-4 “careers” in the original and had a habit of dating awful men.
That’s the Roseanne I fell in love with. Crushed. My mom always reminded me of Roseanne and now she, too, has gone crazy.
My mom was a huge fan of Roseanne when it was originally on. My mom was also a very liberal person, who voted for Bill Clinton twice. My mom also voted for Trump in 2016 and thinks football players who kneel during the anthem should be fired.
This. I’m honestly surprised by how many people can’t seem to get their heads around the idea that people’s (particularly white people’s!) politics can change enormously over the course of 20 years even without mental illness being present. I know people have strong attachments to fictional characters and get…
I remember the old show, and its focus on blue-collar, Midwestern Rust-belt lives. In that context it makes perfect sense that Roseanne Connor would be a Trump supporter. She’s his base: the population that’s felt itself losing out in the new tech-based economy located somewhere out there on the Coast. The population…
I don’t believe it is that far-fetched for anyone to have changed their beliefs after how many years and after 9/11. People change. Stuff happens that makes the world a scarier place and people’s viewpoints and beliefs evolve. Not always for the better, obviously. But it would be weirder if this many years later she…
This is what happens when money comes to people who think and talk but don’t read or analyze.
“I believe the original character would’ve said, ‘Who cares [about having Muslim neighbors]?’ And now she’s saying she does care.”
Being passed around by multiple, misogynistic men and used for their degrading sexual purposes is inherently anti-feminist at best, and anti-woman at worst. At no point in these scenes are the woman’s sexual needs stressed or considered. The porn-complex has pushed the narrative that women should be interested in…