
That’s an old issue, something Microsoft knew about from the get-go and didn’t affect this. This is totally due to Apple saying unless they get to validate EVERY game that would be put on Gamepass/Stadia, you can’t stream them. 

From my actual time playing the game, the only difference is the response time being faster for crimes committed in white neighborhoods/no response in low income/African American ones. Not at all the “aggressiveness” of the response. 

100,000 is a lot, big streamers playing newest games usually draw anywhere from several thousand to over 100,000 on the most popular streams (records being in the 500,000-1000000). This is probably so big because all of his fans were there since hadn’t streamed in weeks, and that he is just ninja in general. 

Kids cuss and say awful things, that’s been the case for decades unless you don’t remember growing up with other kids?? Banning words from an official Scrabble tournament is not the same as “deleting” words. Are you pea brained or is critical thinking difficult for you...?

You must have a pea sized brain (or a child’s brain) if you think fucking official Scrabble events banning a few fucking words is the same as them being “erased” from our verbage. GOOD ONE DINGUS.

She constantly pulls this shit on here, I love dirtbag classicly and some celeb gossip, but Joan is always so negative just to be negative. 

That mean going back and recapturing footage that obviously had already been captured, meaning more work. They aren’t going to do more work for this, there is no point. 

You can have edited live gameplay, but if you don’t know that edited gameplay VS modifying core aspects of the game to eliminate a clipping bug for one shot of some footage are not the same amount of work, I don’t know what to tell you.(what do you expect them to do, live edit out the single horse clipping, that’s

It was live gameplay footage it seems, not a cinematic trailer (for the most part), so why would they edit that out? That’s an extreme amount of work for something so trivial

what do you expect? It’s total war, they are always going to have little bugs like that

EDITED: it’s some stand, others have posted

Yeah I always thought the complaints were for the art style, more like WoW rated M, and not that the actual aesthetic of the levels was not “Diablo”. I liked the art style, and played more of 3 than any other Diablo, but I know people hate the art style too. 

I had an island with a nook ticket that the lake in the center only fished up trash, literally got cans, tires and boots close to a dozen times and no fish from the lake. 

I don’t get this, Party play sucks but I have three people playing on one console who all love it. My girlfriend even is who got 2 of the 3 new villagers to join our island and the fossil spawns and random NPCs that visit can all be done by every villager. As long as you do some party play, and give everyone time to

You should have two permanent rocks I think, one that spits rocks and one that spits money, at least that’s how it seemed to be on my island with several other rocks breaking immediately on being hit

You can move any building for 50,000 bells or your own home for 30,000 later on in the game

You are getting ripped to shreds, didn’t really think this bad take through huh?

You are the same guy who was blaming her earlier and saying she was appealing to young boys to steal their parents money through Credit Card purchases. Fuck off dude, this was always Twitch’s issue as you can see now. 

Fact 3: You are an idiot, and it shows since they re-instated her more or less acknowledging she did violate only because of the stuff she used, no nudity, but only because they didn’t have actual rules on the acrylic paint and pasties and her’s weren’t “artist grade”. Try sprinkling in less misogyny next time

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