
I have put around 10 hours into the beta, don’t get me wrong there has been some grief and I have grief-ed as well (the game does encourage some of it in attacking missions and other open world events), but that was maybe 10-15 minutes of gameplay total. Just short spurts of random violence, which feels aligned with

This game should never have been called Fallout 76, its biggest mistake. It’s not as far away as Fallout Shelter from the core gameplay of the last few Fallouts, but it’s definitely not 4's New Vegas, which the hype made it come across as until closer to the beta/the betas.

I agree the game can be a ton of fun(especially with friends), though it’s a buggy as shit mess (PS4 here, I have a PC too but not a half dozen friends buying the game as well) and should never have been released without calling it “Early Access” or “Beta” or whatever and charging 60 bucks and giving everyone some

This is just laziness/not caring on the part of whoever you were watching, though it is the dumbest idea to add the markers immediately and one on top of the other so Bethesda is definitely to blame as well. The game is fun, definitely with friends, but no way should this ever not been called early access and sold for

I strongly disagree, Friday the 13th after the great Dead by Daylight (I can see the appeal of the game but when it crashes multiple times for me and a ton of other bugs, I have to give it a hard pass) was such a huge fucking let down:( this month is great, I watched a friend play through Soma, never played myself but

Official Canadian government accounts or oil production (can’t remember which) where tweeting about this same thing after Trump’s tweet! Absolutely crazy.

This. I ran mine for a long while through a cheap 3 mbs wall plug ethernet adapter and it ran buttery smooth on my living room TV, great for fighting games and party games (lots of Lethal League and Jackbox)

I haven’t read much about this, but from screen shots it looks like they may do a winter system similar to Endless Legend, which could be very interesting, but like I said I am just inferring from the screen grabs lol

I enjoyed and agree with most of the article, but you must have played Arthur as more of a bad guy (which apparently significantly affects dialogue) because I would never say John is a stronger character than him, even after loving the first game as much as I did. Arthur was a 13 year old boy abducted by a

You have the best take, I hated the controls at the beginning, but by the end of the game I realized it’s another part of the world building and I am glad they made it a little more sluggish than other modern games.

The gameplay feels completely intentional on my part, another thing they did to “ground” the game more. We are just to used to characters that respond immediately to our inputs, which may be how our brains process things but not how our bodies actually move.

10 % because among a dozen of my friends, I was the only one to complete the main story because everyone else got sidetracked with online or just screwing around in singleplayer, the exact same thing a half dozen of my friends who haven’t beat RDR2's main story yet are doing currently LOL The worlds in these games and

I am playing on PS4 (launch model baby) and don’t get me wrong, lot’s of framerate drops (no more than 7 Days to Die, a game this is closer to than Fallout 4) but have only ever had 1 crash and 1 server disconnect. Over 30 hours now and am level 21, it’s tons of fun with friends but they should really have called it

I would say it feels a lot like what ESO did to “Skyrim”. The combat is more or less the exact same, the aesthetics of the world are unique to the area but lots of art is recycled (cars, paintings, houses, etc.), NPCs are more or less quest givers or merchants and all of them are bots. I think the game is a ton of

If you have friends, it can really be a fun time. (On PS4) It’s buggy as shit, but if you enjoy some parts of games like Ark with some ESO mixed in it’s a fun game. It scratches my need to explore, though I would definitely not say it’s a “Fallout” game, more so than Fallout Shelter but not a traditional Fallout at

??? in the anime he has pinkish skin, the same in the games. It’s the same color on his face as his arms and legs. I think you are just not remembering what he really looks like. 

It really is incredible to think that a large portion of new Minecraft purchases are for children who are aging up and want their own Minecraft accounts/computers after playing on siblings/parents accounts. The game truly is a juggernaut. 

The blue winter jacket I believe is “Arthur’s Winter Coat” or something along those lines. 

That is the case, this was also the case in the last game, with people shying away from you/closing doors to you when you had low honor. 

I took Cartman in that episode to be the example of certain people saying that “men” are doing it for selfish reasons, since that is how Cartman figured it out, by probably seeing people talking about it online or in the news. (example: getting your own bathroom/spying on women and girls that some on the Right will