Jeffery Ozmataz

I don’t really have a problem with the name, but it’s like the college course equivalent of clickbait. Most people who’ll take it will probably go in like “Oh, this’ll probably be about the institutionalized white power structure and it’s pervasive racial oppression throughout the western world”, but a republican

  • White Christmas

Just show the jury that one Law & Order SVU episode about the exact same situation. Now, I don’t actually know if there is such an episode, but I’m pretty sure there must be.

Can football pls stop?

Children and animals m8. They can sense the lack of soul.

Hate when people get all up in my face when I give my dog a lil kick to correct his behavior or grab him by his neck and bring him to the ground. I’m not enjoying any sadistic impulses, the guy’s a 100lb arctic wolf breed and could very easily kill me if he chose to. Food incentives work up to a point but it’s

Self importance? Please. Learn what a word means before you use it. You’re projecting more than a Trump supporter talking about Hillary’s pay-to-play. The fundamental tether that draws people to these platforms is self-importance (and fostering thereof). The enabling of users to believe that they are more important

This is under the assumption that our politicians haven’t already turned into sheep and cattle. I was confident that Obama would rig the electoral college, but instead gave us a big fat “play nice with Hitler, Obama out.”

healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency

How does the transition of power work in that situation? I’d imagine if it’s before congress confirms the electoral votes they’d be forced to swear in Clinton, but between the conformation and coronation who is next in line to the throne?

Doesn’t he seem like the type of guy that’d induce a heart attack for the right price? Killary where are you when we need you most?

Planned parenthood needs a name change to render billions of right-wing propaganda dollars wasted. Same with the democratic party.

Meanwhile Chris Rock gettin 40 mill for those Netflix specials.

Funny thing is that Alec’s character on 30 Rock is literally what Donald Trump thinks he is/wishes he could be.

You’re the one who took the effort to tell me to stop using it. And just use Skype. You don’t need to mass-appeal to your friends and family. What’s the point of showing every single person you know a particular picture? Is the picture that important? Whether you realize it or not, it feeds into this narcissism and

You realize that you’re using the same arguments that people use against the regulation of drugs and alcohol, right?

I gave Twitter a pass because of the help it does for people in war zones and it’s role in the Arab Spring. Most of Twitter’s problems stem from linking to Facebook anyways.

I’ve never used Facebook. How about writing a fucking letter or dropping by for a visit?