Isn’t that an incorrect assumption? I’d wager they changed the name because yoga is associated with those darn’ hippy librul commies.
Psss... that’s not capitalism... money doesn’t automatically equal capitalism... go back to your 9th grade history class. 1.2 billion dollars may have been worth it in the long run anyways in hindsight, since 2018-2020 is likely to see the 63% and rising people that disapprove of the administration getting woke that…
Obviously, that’s why I said “in her defense”.
It’s just that Pelosi said she hadn’t met him, but then there’s a picture of them at the same table.
In Pelosi’s defense regarding the ambassador thing: there are like 10 indistinguishable white dudes huddled around her. I’m guessing a lot of them have hard to remember names like Servlykvaldernjiv.
I’m starting to think that this entire Hillary Clinton hate machine is a misguided and collective unrequited love. Akin to schoolboys who bully the objects of their affections, only on a much larger scale.
Take a look at those sharia law bans. They outlaw the creation of laws based on any “foreign religions” making it a sovereignty issue and not a religious one. Somehow they don’t understand (or ignore) that it should apply to every single law we have on the books (except unless if a law was created based on native…
My biggest qualm in this debate is how this fundamentally conflicts with some of the founding precepts of America. People will say things like how Islam isn’t reformed enough to be ranked among the other fertile crescent religions, how there are too many radical elements, it’s treatment of women being inappropriate…
It doesn’t even prove that he can read a teleprompter either. He was clearly memorizing in the car on the way to. #TrumpSTILLcantread
Silver lining for them is that they’re not rotting in Gitmo right now because they were white terrorists. Imagine if some muslims did the same thing with some scary arabic flags? Georgia would be under martial law.
You’ll have egg on your face when it turns out that all this memorabilia is Hitler’s horcruxes and these people are actually saving the world.
Nah, stop it. Stuff like this is what created those alt-right shitbags. Saying that the government should destroy objects with historical significance in the name of sensitivity, is pretty fascist yo.
The fact that she worked in this country illegally? And that Barron could be considered an “anchor baby”?
Republicans are trying to gut the endangered species act (today they’re voting on a repeal that lets you shoot wolves from helicopters again), so maybe this dark animal necromancy can be practically helpful in the short term.
nevermind then. Damn, I distinctly remember my english professor teaching me the other way. Fuck community colleges.
Powdered face paint is a staple of how geisha are depicted in the modern world. It’s clear that the makeup in the pictures in question, while subdued, was an attempt to create that effect.
“It” is being used as a noun and “‘s” indicates possession. This is why I say grammar matters. Because so many of you make this mistake.
Grammar matters and condensing concepts into a single word dilutes it’s effectiveness. That’s something we seriously need to keep in mind in our speech if we’re going to be serious about reaching the ignorant masses for the next 4 years. Take the time to explain that it’s a system of racism; take the time to explain…