Jeffery Ozmataz

Nah he’s set all of this up. Check it, fantasy WWIII here:

Democrats lose because we don’t have barely sane people like this. Wish he’d have put his energy into getting a certain someone’s tax returns.

We trolls didn’t want Trump either

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I thought it would go that route especially since the last video I watched previously was this

And yet Donald Trump’s still hasn’t? Fuck twitter.

He’s so thin-skinned that single troll could destroy our next president. Trolls finally have the power they’ve so desperately fought for.

How do you feel about performance art like that of Marina Abramović? Sexual violence, violence, etc of a third party can be integral to the message that is trying to be reached. It’s awful, but it does get us (the viewer) to feel something (usually disgust and outrage) which IS the definition of art. Objectively, and

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The Hunt for Hill was definitely the standout this episode for me. I’ve been thinking of the exact same sketch since we started seeing all those pics of her meeting ppl in the woods.

Trump tainted a 40 year institution by hosting 1 show. And he’s about to taint a 240 year one for the next 4 years.

I have a weird propensity of respect for Kellyanne and I’m as lib as they get.

I was gonna buy Megyn Kelly’s book but then I remembered she was the “Santa is white” girl. I had subconsciously attributed that to Ann Coulter for a few years (probs cause I think Kelly is a smidgen purrty).

Can anyone confirm if lots of girls want his son? I don’t think lots of girls want his son at all. I don’t think lots of girls want any 15 year old.

Trump will change it so his BMI is considered below average and you’re exempt if you can grab 4 or more pussies.

He gotta hand his job to the racist who spent six years trying to prove he was a Muslim and immigrant based on his name and skin color.

Go to breitbart’s comment section, there are plenty of white supremacists, anti-establishments, and xenophobes truthfully outraged at Donald Trump’s cabinet.

So he’s treating the President of the United States like a gym teacher treats a fat kid?

Democrats aren’t good at fear mongering or vowing to be total dicks if the other candidate was elected and didn’t have the help of the Russian government, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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He did but then undercut it by pointing out that people could just use ropes to get over it.

I thought so too. I can’t believe someone who wants pay equivalency voted for a man who said “if you’re [rich] you can do anything” to women. Why would he want women to have equal pay? Wouldn’t that make it so he can’t “do anything” to them, since he won’t be rich in comparison...?

Well look at richy-rich here, casually dropping the fact that they got tickets to Hamilton