Where’s all the shitty country musicians with this one? Isn’t Toby Keith conservative?
He may be a republican, just maybe not a tone-deaf, homophobic, racist, chauvinistic piece of crap!
Perpetual victimhood is the whine of white conservatives everywhere.
This reminds me recently of a Seth Rogen appearance on Stephen Colbert - he said Paul Ryan’s kids came up and asked him for a photo and he said no. And he was like, “I felt kinda bad, but at the same time they should know that if they like a movie or a song, the person who made that probably doesn’t like their dad…
Agreed but calling the writer an asshole is a bit over the top and unnecessary...it’s ok to criticize her writing but there’s no need to inflame things with a personal insult.
Assault and battery.
“Non-Consensual Footsie”.
Aimee seems to think that writing for a lifestyle blog gives her the right to puff out any opinion piece she wants and present it as authoritatively as medical advice.
Aimee, with all due respect, why is this a Lifehacker post? Isn’t this content more suitable for Jezebel? Thanks
Excellent news! Thanks. Can’t wait. Even though my pixel 2 takes great photos at night as it is (part of the pixel 2 marketing also) so the new night shot must be even better. I can’t believe I don’t even use flash any more. I am interested in the automated machine for photo enhancements or picking the best photo also.…
There’s already a setting in your dialer (assuming you’re using the Google version) to filter spam calls. Phone won’t even ring, just go to voicemail and you don’t get a message notification either. It works on probably 90% of spam calls I get.
Unpopular opinion: I have no problem with this.
Getting beaten by a rigged game? Fair.
Beating a rigged game? Stop right there, criminal scum!
Good point. So as long as the labor is exploited and the person who does the hiring financially benefit at the expense of said exploitation it’s ok. When said laborer commits crimes then it’s apocalyptic.
My wife’s pregnant friend and her two little girls were just murdered last week by the husband/father. I guess that’s what happens when you let white guys from North Carolina into your country.
Considering that the Nazis did practically invent the term sub-human (see: untermensch) is calling him a Nazi really far off?
I don’t even want to respond to that nonsense, but at the same time: he was there because he was hired to work on a farm by an influential Republican because that is how our nation has dealt with farm labor since before most of us were born. At least on the ground level, there is bipartisan agreement to keep doing it…
Best Zelda and best Open air game ever!