Here is your virtual Mac OS X Mountain Lion (intel only) so you can Run on Windows Not Hard at all xD
Here is your virtual Mac OS X Mountain Lion (intel only) so you can Run on Windows Not Hard at all xD
Well at least Plants vs Zombies is there xD bring PvsZ2!!
Nintendo Already spoke about this, they said that in the Future, they would be allowing you to rebuy at a cheaper price the same game you owned on 3DS eShop, but i dont know when or at what price it would be if it was your first time to buy it...…
Now i Just Need another PC or Friend to sync stuff :/
This is an excellent way to say, Blizzard call me!! love the detail on these jobs... Good day people!
#Offtopic This new comment system is kind of slow and where are my friends and followers? D:
oh wow its like Diablo 2 but with no one online to play with again xD
I have Netflix, but i will never pay to "buy" Digital Media, specially when I don't even OWN it. I hope Bruce Willis Wins against Apple for that stupid iTunes Policy of no Account transfer after you die, but what i do to support the film makers and actors or whatever is to buy Blu Rays (whenever they go for a good…
Dude you should have seen it on 2009!! xD they are not so Mac ish today...
You guys need to Include the Plex App Media Center for Wii U, you just need to install the Plex server on your PC and access it via Web Browser from Wii U, check this out:
I have now got interested on these series, thanks for your post Cameron!
Oh yeah, its like in the mission but on a gaming site xD LOL
D: oh crap i should set this as my next PC goal, or could i find a similar option on ebay? i mean the titan is 1000 bucks, the rest is what, design?
Nostalgia hit me HARD with your comment xD Good day 90s people!
killing Evil Cats its cooler than Halo xD
lol talking about graphics? ROFL
Im with you xD
xD I bet the pricy one does xD
Hell yeah thats gonna be me old Gamer Grandpa beating my grandkids online!! xD
Ok, i hope its not the blob