Java Jam Master Jay

I was with him until he went into the Old Testament rap and......no thank you.

I wasn’t a big fan of the sequel, but I am impressed with how queer it is - not just in the overt Negasonic gf, but hundreds of little asides that avoid the usual “ew gay is gross if guy but hot if girl” crap we’ve been enduring for a very long time. Also can I say that I am as gay as something very gay, but

She has a cape and a hoodie.

Yeah, I agree with all of that.

“I dare you to find another series” -

Not your buddy, pal. Not your pal, friend. Not your friend, James.

Hand it over to Tina Fey, apparently.

For giving overbaked nerd theories that were lame ten years ago? Everything Patton says sounds like he just discovered the Internet YESTERDAY. Seriously, without that loud, scratching delivery you’d be able to hear that he doesn’t know a single thing about a single thing.

This site needs a block feature, for James Churchill specifically. I hope you find this cult you’re looking for where everybody worships your comments.

So a person can’t express an opinion without being accused of attempting some sort of persona. Right, like how if I think that Black Panther had major pacing issues, I’m a racist. You types are ridiculous.

Why is Pete Davidson on this show?

That would have been too much? It would have at least added an edge to a somewhat bland movie.

Problem being that any single member of the Furies is more interesting than Barda herself.

I really didn’t think it was very good.

Jesus that looks awful.

Runaways is fun, but Exiles is actively daring me to read it.

It’s nice to see the X-Men coming back online, though they’ve been so messed up for so long nobody knows what to do with them. They live in Central Park! They’re cops! Or ambassadors! Something, they’re something!

Because this worked so well when they tried it with the new Generation X.

This seems like something from 1985.

I expect them to fuck this character in particular way up.