O Yeller King

Sounds like Coulter was feeling pretty Rand-y.

Still fighting pirates.


You got it!

Ceci n'est pas l'horloge!

I believe the technical term is
"turbo-surreal: Vaaaaa-rrrrroooom!"

She should know better.
His name needs to be on at least one of the cards to hold his interest.

"Yo, yo, yo!
Lemme tell ya how I got these scahs!"

What did you do Ack? Complimenting Ivanka's plastic surgery got me banned awhile back.

It's coming up,
It's coming up,
It's DARE!

If memory serves, Richard returned home and found that his brother John had once again claimed the throne for himself!

Loved her work on her show "Dog bites Man"

All good points.
But, with circuses like Ringling Bros shutting down, these music festivals may be among the few remaining paying gigs aerialists can get.

Or an acrobat for that matter.

Just tried it Redbone style.
It IS fun!

"Me First and the Gimme Gimmes", "The Original Artists"… they have gone by many names.
They are Legion.

"I, Monona" by The Snack

Except for it occurring November 8, 2016, rather than December 12, 2012, the Mayans seem to have gotten their end of the world prediction right.

There's no reason to punish the ocean.

Leave the monkey alone!