O Yeller King

*Blink's182 times*

I hear it has the same kick ass theme, and Scott Caan's surly wooden acting!


And, "If you don't like it you should Leiv!"

I know, right?

I'll always remember her visiting Palin in her home while Palin was McCain's running mate.

It's possible to be two things.

So did I.

SRH HCK B is her nom de guerre when she's power bottoming.

Trump hired her because the left one always seemed to be giving him "the eye"

Pffft. I have a detached retina.
This how everyone looks to me 24/7.

If I were a Hollywood deal maker person I would totally push for this.
Even when the studio brass put me off with "Let's see how the new Ocean's movie does first", I would not relent!

I'm slowly working my way through Furious 7. There's one scene where Rodriguez flashes a smile. She's got a killer smile.

Calling him a Pharma-nerd works for me as long as nerds working in pharmacies don't get lumped in with him.

And all the more unsettling when he starts singing George Michael's "Father Figure"

NONA: Nerd on nerd action!

The Truth Is Out Here

What about the New Zealand singer that spells her name with an "e"? She seems alright.

Are the donors Robert and Bekah Mercer, the billionaires that funded Trump and Brexit"

When I see a Lord Buckethead headline my first thought is Buckethead the guitarist got promoted to a lord.
(Which he totally should given his mad guitar skills)