
That's one of my favorite movies. I'm waiting/ hoping for them to put it on bluray.

Automatic modes aren't perfect, but a great photo has a lot less to do with technical aptitude and a lot more to do with your ability to create an artful composition.

i09 just had an article about how to tell from the trailer that a movie and is going to suck. One of them was:

Great video on two levels- it reminds me that I shouldn't take my health for granted and to make the most of whatever situation I'm in. I'm definitely going to show this to my kid.

He told the staff a delivery man was coming to his house at night and he had to be there.

You do know that the melody to "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" is the same, too, right?

The best way to keep glasses from slipping is the Opti-grab by Navin R. Johnson.

It was a stupid mistake and I feel more sorry for the parents. As a kidney donor, though, I hope these kinds of stories don't deter anyone from donating a kidney.

You scared me a bit with that title. As an organ donor (kidney), I thought that there was new research to suggest there was a problem for me for donating and organ. I'm glad to read that it wasn't about that.

Now playing

This video says pretty much the same thing.

Looks like they have invented time travel and went back to a time when there was a megapixel war.

Thanks for the tip!

Whenever I hear about bow ties, I think of this

Not sure, but probably the same amount it costs to upgrade to CS5 from CS4.

I didn't know that. Thanks a lot for the info!

Actually, I was referring to a new policy Adobe put out this year

Too bad they only allow CS5 users to upgrade to CS6 or I would get it (I have CS4).

It's interesting to see that when he says, "I've said it before & i'll say it again: life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." it's almost in sync with the 1986 movie.

Most comic characters only have four fingers. I heard it was easier for them to draw.

In retrospect, I should have done that. I sent them an email telling them I would be doing a disservice to other customers if I changed my review. Of course, I didn't hear back from them.