
“Priscilla” doesn’t bode well either..

wooden keyboard?!

very good filing! any tips? wonder if I could do this and still play my guitar...

jenelle’s boyfriend crying “please!” and she’s just leaning on the back of the cop car filling out paperwork like *ugh whatevs*

did she not go to high school? i’m surprised no one would say...hey, that’s actually h squared not how you write h2o...

this is golden. love how the first 2 testimonial callers were from upstate NY! and the blue screen with the credit card calling information seriously gave me 90s commercials flashbacks...

she was supposed to be THIRTY NINE in silver linings playbook?!?!?!


I read quickly and for a tiny second I thought someone had named their teenager “Errol Flynn”

absolutely terrifying

i wonder if she immediately puked like carrie did when aiden bought her the pear shaped diamond that miranda picked out...

congrats to the happy couple but ellie srsly how do you pronounce your last name

Good interview on Fresh Air today with director of the documentary and her long-time manager. heartbreaking stuff...

What is Dr. House talking about?