
This is hilarious because during my computer science degree, we had a girl that was notorious for only doing the "design" part of group projects because she was terrible at actually programming/coding.

Was there an incident when marathon trolls yelled "ALMOST THERE" after the second mile?

If Oscar had taken a wait-and-see attitude in the first place, this whole thing could've been avoided.

Despite living a mile from work and school used to drive my car every day. I now bike every day rain or shine. I live in a small enough town where everything I need is within a 2 mile radius, so groceries, beer, post office, and book store are all within reach on my bike. They also have the benefit of providing some

T-Handle Allen Wrenches.

They had the boat up and out... It wasn't the daisy-chaining, it was the lack of safety chains and not securing the hitch!

Your move, Crossfit.

Pictured below, Dr. Craig McClain

Note: I also disagree that a White Russian is a "wimpy" or "lame" drink to order. They're goddamn delicious. Carry on.

I'm struggling to find the outrage here. I really am. Isn't it most likely that they probably tried to pay and get in but weren't accepted? I assume there is a lottery for this. My outrage meter is about at a 1. And, I almost never, ever say this, but I think this post is not only over the top but kind of a dickish