
I'll bet I know who he got that one BEST HOST vote from.

Ok, I'll bite. I want one. Why can't I buy it?

Why don't they just charge $145 for a large fries?

I've eaten cuttlefish with the ink sacs intact so it runs all over the plate when you cut into it. You're supposed to mop it up with the flesh and pieces of bread. It tasted like pee.

My Pebble goes 5 days between charging if I use it just for the time and notifications. 2 days if I work it hard with apps like Strava or the music player. I love it. I'm still kicking myself for not buying the fancy steel version.

Tonga sent both their canoes!

Did you see her contract? She's probably also obligated not to discuss the terms of her contract with the press. It's a nice story, though, that she just felt like getting out there. I doubt it.

She is probably contractually obligated to race to defend her title by her sponsors.

Check out his thumb! Dude has a $150 manicure.

It's hard to believe that Stockholm Sweden can't host the winter Olympics in existing facilities. They invented skiing, after all. It would make a fantastic statement to the world if they held the games and didn't spend any extra money.

You can see the photos (fotos?) at www.marathonfoto.com. It's interesting to note that the only photos of anyone crossing the finish line are of the woman who (apparently) owned the original, legitimate bib.

No good left handed? How do you operate the mouse?

I've got a regular (non-steel) Pebble and it works great as a fitness tracker/GPS watch. I run Strava (a beta version is required) or RunKeeper on my phone and it pushes the elapsed time, distance and pace to the Pebble. Plus I can start and stop the stopwatch with a button press on my wrist when I come to a stop

"...glamorous costumes and showmanship in figure skating,"

Wool socks. I have dozens. Smartwool, DarnTough, marino, you name it. Short ones for running and tall ones for everyday. They keep your feet warm even when they're wet. Wool socks are a miracle. Also, I'm a man.

Wool socks. I have dozens. Smartwool, DarnTough, marino, you name it. Short ones for running and tall ones for everyday. They keep your feet warm even when they're wet. Wool socks are a miracle. Also, I'm a man.