
I would say gesundheit.


I’m so glad they invented color photography in the 90's.

“Um, I’m sorry, you said there was a hole and somebody went out?”

So you’re not purchasing the music with the game? What?

Open shelves on an airplane. Brilliant.

We had to get a kitchen up there first, duh.

Thanks-a-fuckin’-lot, Debbie-fuckin-downer!

Fucking piece of shit should be shot in the face along with televangelists.

Leather is a renewable/biodegradable resource, unlike alcantara which essentially has non-biodegradable plastic molecules in it. You’re not helping the Earth by buying that crap. The cows will die anyway and leather could be harvested from them at that point if that makes you feel any better.

I wonder how many men of the time were quick to abstain from electric starters because “it made them less of a man,” or they just truly thought the old way was the “purist form” like people with manuals and ICE today.



Jesus, Fuck, fuck off and die. The world does not need douches defending douches.

Every time they have to download an update, make the interface real sketchy so they have to wonder whether or not it’s a virus.

But then they’ll know how to make it themselves. It’s better to retain the ability to cut off their supply.

The title of whatever this is fractures my mind. Hope you enjoyed that sentence as much as I enjoyed reading that headline.

There ya go, retard. Build a high altitude balloon instead so you can reduce the risk of killing others with your explosive device. Then you can spend a whole ton of time up there convincing yourself that somebody replaced your eyes with hacked cybernetic implants that fool your brain into thinking the Earth is round

Meh. Plenty of places to land. Try that during the Chicago Air and Water show. Your only option would be the drink.

Makes sense. They still waste time whorshipping “royalty” over there. Although, I’d take the Queen over the American Douche Nozzle Donnie any day.