
Nah, it's one of the (250) tracks that was made for and cut from Emotion.

Nah, Montez can only run once. If you serve two years+ of a president's term, you're counted as having served the full term.

Even more than the theme song, Mike Doughty's I Head The Bells is the song I think of when I think about Veronica Mars. It's very prominently featured in one of the show's most memorable and heartbreaking scenes, and it serves as a bit of an unofficial shipper anthem for Veronica & Logan in my mind.

I think we have enough to piece together what happened:

One day someone's going to put out a torrent where they replace the title sequence with this much better version, and it's going to be So Good: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

It's only compatible with Wii games right now, but yesterday they announced an adapter to use Gamecube controllers on Wii U, which surely is laying the groundwork to play GC games on Wii U.

This is all I remember:
-Angel spends the entire season cosplaying as a masked bad guy named Twilight (seriously), and he chases the slayers around the world and they hide out in Tibet, but then he reveals he was doing it all for good reasons and he takes Buffy into orbit where they have sex.
-Dawn keeps getting

They were good reactions.

The 3DS will, while closed, periodically look around it for other 3DSes. If it finds any, the 3DSes will transfer Streetpass data for any games you have saves for that support Streetpass - the game doesn't need to be physically in your 3DS or the last game you played.

Someone who thinks you can use upward momentum to delve, clearly.