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    No kidding bro. The one guy that everyone knows committed some pretty heinous war crimes is still a billionaire and walking free. WTF is that? And there are litterally millions of incarcerated people of color just because they bought drugs once in their entire lives and hurt nobody else? Fuck me man fuck me what is

    Dude are you serious? Racism and sexism should be illegal. You can’t say shit like that anymore.

    I’m ready to actually start fighting this war.

    Seriously? Just Yik Yak?

    It’s so fitting that we have the two diametricaly opposed candidates we do with Trump and Bernie.

    Sometimes you jsut have to laugh.

    Why do you immediately assume this guy can’t/doesn’t/won’t produce his own content and has stolen it?

    Whoa not cool at all sir. I thought Oregon was like our west coast counterpart but I guess not. Hey fuck you dude!

    All. The. Time.

    Oh totally this woman is straight up super classy, but the Mizzou men and women protesting racism are def right to do so.

    Nobody south of the Mason-Dixon Line can read. lol

    Huh? What are you talking about?

    It’s exactly civili disobedience like this that we need. We can spread it through social media and it gets the point across. We also need to keep ourselves from looking bad on social media, which is why the Mizzou protests are so successful. If we win the social media war, we win the war. Pretty simple.

    Oh good. Pretty ridiculous.

    100% agree. They are terrorists.

    I hope they find the person who wrote that and arrest them. We need to set an example that you just can’t say stuff like that. Maybe 30 years in jail would deter the next guy.

    All I had to see was headless chickens being grown by KFC or whatever to turn off of that bird for good. Plus having to wash the meat before cooking is gross. Why should I have to wash some meat? If I murdered a cow I could immediately start eating it, same with fish, why are chickens different? Grosses me out. Still

    Which is why I made the decision to consciously object to that by becoming a pescatarian. I was vegan for a while, but come on. No cheese? Bite me! I love fish and shellfish too but I’m worried about Fukushima.

    No doubt. I used to love grilling and clearly tons of people still enjoy it. I actually had to train myself to not like it because you’re right, there’s something deep within us that loves dead animals being scorched by fire.

    In college we would grill in the front yard and have little parties out there with cornhole, ladder ball, washers, and beer pong. So it’s not totally a bad idea.