
By ‘hot button issue’ I mean controversial. Everyone has an opinion on it and it’s come up a loooot more in the last two years. I feel like a mini controversy around this happens like once a month now. That’s not, of course, to suggest everyone cares or even believes this is censorship, but the fact that it’s

A game where you can max every skill set available by the end should not be called as RPG. It’s an action game with skill progression instead.

Morrowind was the best RPG ever made by Bethesda.

FF7 was one of the first really deep rpgs that I played in my youth and I DEVOURED the world. It also helped that it was one of the first games I played that wasn’t on-rails or mostly linear, the World Map was a revelation and got me to feel like the planet was real. When I replay old titles like that now, everything

Can’t disagree with the list. George Lucas wrote and directed only one great Star Wars movie, and it was IV.

Good article. I like how it’s informative about the actual subject instead of some childish column going ‘ieeeeuw boooobieees’.

Just like Assassin’s Creeohwait

Fallout 4? Really?

Sorry, but when you spend a majority of your time thinking about what the game lacks, instead of what new things the game has to offer (read: very superficial elements that do almost nothing for the experience), then I couldn’t put it on any top list.

Hang in there. :D

This is a good list. You guys work better as a team, some of your individual lists look like you’re trying too hard to pick obscure games, you damn hipsters you.

Tough lists to make. You guys did a damn fine job.

Let’s not go crazy here, it will still be Assassin’s Creed after all.

who would have thought that the Assassin’s Creed franchise would be breaking new ground by just not releasing games?

You mean they might actually release a well planned and developed Assassins Creed game?? No way...

He said best, not worst.

FF8, seriously? Sigh.

So, interesting, because the original was SUPER compressed to fit on the disc and the original pre render 3d work was all HD smooth and nice, but who knows if they lost those files and if they’ll be in there, i doubt it.