Do these morons really think the celtics could beat the Warriors or even the Rockets? lol.
Do these morons really think the celtics could beat the Warriors or even the Rockets? lol.
Nah, fuck Boston.
Neither you, nor your friend, understand a single fucking thing about statistics
Except they’re all rebuilds.
I really like these Civics. They’re at the age were you start to see some really trashed examples running around but when a nice one turns up, it can still be mistaken for a car less than 2-3 years old. I like the simple styling, it’s not trying to be cool, which makes it cool.
At least you could say it’s function over form. The digital speedo cluster was a novel way to bring vital information closer to the driver’s line of sight.
Anytime I see something K-car related on Jalopnik, I feel compelled to share this video:
Porsche 959, Ferrari F40, Buick GN, Mercedes 190E, Toyota MR2, BMW E30 M3, and I would still throw the 80's Supra, 300z, and RX-7 in there too. There was a lot of mediocrity in the 80's but it was definitely a transition era that saw fuel injection, turbocharging, and other texh come to the masses. And as far as just…
Its fun to laugh at in retrospect, but I really admire the boldness and brashness Chrysler had in the ‘80s. Lee Iacocca just oozed confidence through the TV screen, and it went into everything they did.
Buick GN? That’s basically it for me.
Everything else fades and cracks. Alcantara disintegrates or gets that gross human oil slick sheen. I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t age gracefully.
All the new housing isn’t for people who live here. It’s for wealthy students from China and Korea who come here to go to business school. All the new apartment developments are upscale and priced as though they’re in New York, not Indiana.
Yeah. Stop trying to live in an overpopulated city, dumbasses.
Sounds like it’s ripe for disruption.
As as anyone but Pats fan I support whoever can beat them. Not the Patriots again. God no, not that crew and their insufferable fans. I will not be able to stand their humble brags for the rest of their lives about how the Pats defied and defeated a global conspiracy by Goodell, the NFL and the fourth horseman of the…
God if he had hopped out that would have been the most Vikings thing ever.