
Very solid list. Only two things I would quibble with:

Thank god; this sounds like the album I've been wishing Wilco would make for years instead of just releasing more of the same lazy, sexless, T Rex fan fiction that Tweedy has been doing ever since they won that Grammy.

I've always liked X2 a bit better than X, although it doesn't seem to get nearly as much shine. All the great mechanics were still there, but they balanced out the difficulty a lot better and the optional bosses were a nice change of pace.


The assertion that the Coens "skew crypto-conservative" needs some kind of citation. They have tried on a lot of looks over the years, but this makes no sense to me.

this is where U2 really started to go downhill

Set to Kenny Rogers!

Video game music of one kind or another makes up a huge part of my regular rotation. Anything released by Square prior to about 2003 is in there - the earlier the better - along with anything Yasunori Mitsuda or Hiroki Kikuda were involved with. The PS1 had an amazing variety of great music: Skullmonkeys, Tenchu,

So did anyone else feel like the first segment was basically just a long, low-key ad for fracking?