Oh, no, I might have to like Rooney Mara now.
Oh, no, I might have to like Rooney Mara now.
As someone who was raised not to exclaim “Thank God” or “God knows,” because, horrors, that would be taking the Lord’s-name-in-vain should I not explicitly be playing or discussing theology, I now, as an atheist, relish each opportunity to say “Thank god” when I mean nothing literal by it whatsoever. “Thank f*cking…
I kinda want to move to Sweden now. I could use a little more “IDGAF - do whatever you want” culture in my life.
Exactly. Plus anything that continues to destroy the idea that Donald has a “mandate” to be President (as if Hillary having over 2 million more of the popular vote wasn’t enough) is a great thing in my book. I think the closer it is shown that the Electoral Collage win really was, the sooner a woman has a shot at…
Can we all please acknowledge that both the artist and art critic quoted within this are very deeply entrenched within current artistic institutions? Neither Joyce Carol Oates nor Jerry Saltz have to worry for one moment about being censored or marginalized. So I am so happy for them both that they feel so safe,…
Don’t forget Leonard Cohen.
That is me.
Ew, I hadn’t even heard about that. It’s beyond repulsive and cruel. Wonder why it didn’t get picked up in the media.
Or they have babies just to make their little girls suffer. Pretty sure that’s why my mom had me.
I’m sure my estranged (from me - not from each other) parents voted for Trump solely on the issues of abortion and gay marriage. Two issues that will never, ever concern them personally and are none of their fucking business. And they’re just run-of-the-mill Conservative value voters.
Isn’t it terrifying that we have a president elect who we are desperately hoping DOESN’T follow through on any of his campaign policies? PS - Remember when Evangelicals thought Obama was the AntiChrist and signaled the end of the world? Ha. Ha. Ha. So glad they find Trump non-problematic.
I know how you feel. I went from being a Hillary supporter because I supported her policies and appreciated the opportunity to elect our first female president to literally sobbing during her concession speech, probably because I identified so strongly and have seen it time and again - a fully capable, strong,…
Do we have a gif of Christie’s face when he heard the news? Because that would really make this shitty week just a little bit better. Oh, well, a girl can dream...
I am personally very sick of narcissists and their habit to insist all those who disagree with them a) don’t really disagree and are just the product of the media, b) are mean and unfair, and c) in too inconsequential numbers to be taken seriously, all at the same time. Frankly, my dears, some people just don’t like…
Or she truly believes all publicity is good publicity?
But here we are talking about Ivanka, so I guess she’s getting what she wants out of her dad’s campaign. Give up all claims to self respect and humanism, get greater fame and power. Guess she sees that as a fair trade off.
No one who voted for Jill Stein would have voted for Trump, or thought he was a better alternative for Hillary. Every vote for Stein became a vote for Trump. I hope everyone who voted for Stein realizes that.