You’re correlating automotive enthusiasts with safe drivers. I think those two groups are very often exclusive.
You’re correlating automotive enthusiasts with safe drivers. I think those two groups are very often exclusive.
Hi, normal lurker, first time commenter, and German.
He forgot to say,”brought to you by Carl’s Jr.”
single hand job
That was djust wonderful.
We were going to give them a cat, but it wandered off and we can’t find it. We think it might be in the closet....or maybe under the bed.
Not so much a welfare state. People were free to pursue their interests and education. Many people work because they have a passion for it, not because they have to. As opposed to the work or die homeless system we have now.
Star Trek III sucking is the first time I’ve agreed with Reagan.
You are the one that made the stupid comment...
You think that wasn’t planned in fine detail by committee? She wouldn’t have brought it up if she hadn’t tested several answers and chosen a strategy for responding first.
The problem is there seems to be no intellectual middle ground between anti-porn moral censorship and pro-porn sex positive feminism. For example, I often see people conflating personal BDSM with BDSM porn. So when anyone points out the disturbing trend in mainstream “gonzo” porn toward increasingly violent…
We should not impose our bourgeois values on what is a working class industry which caters mostly to the needs of working class people. Let them sort it out for themselves.
Yes, it is, but prepare to be eviscerated on Jezebel for daring to speak this obvious truth. Also prepare to have the insult “TERF” laid upon you, thereby making you an object, and OK to attack in obscene and ad hominem verbiage. You CANNOT tell these women that we realised like 40 years ago that all porn is bad for…
“The commenters outside looked from feminist to troll, and from troll to feminist, and from feminist to troll again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Birds in general are beautiful creatures, but there’s one hot bird in particular that’s captured the heart and soul…
"Oh, and JB?....I...I think I love you."
This is what a video of “shit that people were ironically wrong about in the 80’s” highlights:
Anyone who votes NP on this should immediately be banned from driving anything but a Chevy Celebrity for the rest of their miserable lives