
I was looking at my facebook memories and this popped up. My favorite comment, that didn’t get much love was that, if I see both colors, does that mean I’m divergent. #stupidmoviereference

This is exactly why I will not watch it!

Can I also give Oregon some kudos for making it easier for women to get birth control? You will now be able to get a prescription for BC from a participating pharmacist AND state law as been amended to allow women access to a 3-month supply of pills to start and then after that you can get a 12-month supply of pills,

Waco is hip now, said the youths watching Fixer Upper on HGTV!

Yes! I was just thinking this.

I’m reading this as if Tina Fey is saying it.


that is larsa pippen, wife of scottie.

I feel grateful to have access to the selection of plus size clothes that are out there these days and I wish they were around in high school because it would have been an entirely different experience for me.

The Wiz song, I hate it. Followed very closely by the song that sounds like Maroon 5 but isn’t but is actually worse called “would you still love me” or some crap. Both make we want to vomit.

This. So much. I don’t get it.

Also that PR updated board looks a little... elementary school?

I’ve not paid for an a full album since 2009. TAKE MY MONEY ADELE.

for real. this is one of my biggest pet peeves. your stylist knows what size shoe you wear! c’mon.

I got divorced and I make terrible financial decisions. Both of those things are the reasons why I had to move back in with my dad. I had a little money saved but I totally blew it on ‘things to make me feel better’ during the divorce process. So 18 months later, and with rent absolutely skyrocketing in Portland, I’m

fab-le-tics. like athletics but fabulous!

I got married and divorced in my 20’s so I totally get the whole “love is for me... holy shit! it murders you” comment.