
Today is my Saturday, too! Buffalo burgers for dinner and unfortunately a thorough house-cleaning are all that are on tap. I'll do dinner, bath, bedtime for the babe in the next hour, then dig into the cleaning afterward. I know I'll feel so much better once it's done, but it's so hard getting started!

Earaches are the worst! I used to get them regularly as a kid and I'd always have to go to the doc for amoxicillin. I don't think there are home remedies, since its an infection.

Bad Romance is classic. And that's the last Lady Gaga song I've liked :/
The last book that had a huge impact on me was Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections. I almost didn't finish it because the first part is not very interesting, but I'm so glad i did. Touches some nerves on the complications of family life as an

Your blog is hiiiiiiilarious!!!

Don't get the fucking lobster, then.

So much of my money goes to rent and it makes me sad.

Honest to dog, I'm not trying to body snark here. But its important that you have a skinny neck to pull off a pixie and Beyonce has sort of a muscular neck. (We've all seen the Super Bowl pics.) Otherwise, you end up looking like a man. I had a feeling she was going to get rid of that cut ASAP. I've wanted to get a

I hear this all the time too and it just enrages me. O, the infantilization... But this article sums it up quite nicely!

An even more disturbing fact of pap life is that they call that a 'gang bang', when there are like 75 paparazzi all flashing and screaming at one subject (usually a woman). Fucking shitstains.

Whoa, wuuuut!!!!

I can feel the spasm in the middle of the penis shaft, too, right before the ejaculate starts.

That's not a makeup-free face and the fact that she's trying to make it out to be isn't doing anything for women on the whole. But go ahead and point out that she doesn't owe us anything, so on and so forth...

I see light mascara/eyeliner, too. Which is fine! Just don't try to sell it like it's something that it's clearly not.

The Instagram filter and her position in the shadow of the sun make this null. Nice try, though, Jen.

Yeah, that's always the first thing I think of when these shitstains emerge. Their parents must be so embarrassed.

I sort of figured since I've heard much talk of the 'highlight reel'. Ehh.

Okay, I've been wondering about this for awhile now. Do many people really think of people other than the person they're having sex with? I never have and the thought that maybe my boyfriend is thinking of someone else makes me profoundly sad :/

I don't mean like making eye contact with a random man in the train or like interacting with a male cashier, etc.

I can't wait to become invisible to most men. When they look at me, my skin crawls.

I Wwoofed in Serbia (a small farm about 45 minutes outside of Belgrade) for a few weeks. I remember spending like...zero dollars. We were fed and we each had a bed in a comfy little bunkhouse. The work was hard, obviously, and the days were long, but it was very rewarding. Had no problem whatsoever with immigration,