Owen T.

If the show had ended 10 minutes earlier, with Jax and Tara's deal going through, I would've been happy calling the series a wrap.

I've wanted to quit this damned show so many times! This finale was Sutter saying, "Yup, that was the right thing to do."

Maybe the first really good episode all season. I loved Tara shielding Abel from seeing her pull the gun. And I loved Juice saying, "Someone nice"—best moment ever with his character (which isn't saying much, but still).

Tig's not scum?

Connor is going to look for an opportunity to screw Jax over, because he saw what a monster Jax is.

Jax sees absolution in very narrow terms. He's never worried much about people being hurt outside of the club and his family. I don't think Sutter's going to rehabilitate him, dude.

I didn't think Tara was attracted to Jax after Clay's murder. I think it just confirmed what kind of man she thinks he is, and she decided to play nice so she could go ahead with a new plan.

Then he became president and realized it was essentially impossible to get out of guns without getting everybody killed. It's not like he didn't really try.

Not Lyla, Ima. And yes, she knew.

Yeah, but why would an immaterial spirit be rooting through a material dumpster?

I thought it was very much in character for Unser to grasp for an assurance of peace. It's not that he has total faith in Jax; it's that he saw things going even worse.

Lowen would absolutely, 100% be unable to represent Tara due to conflict of interest. She shouldn't even have been allowed to help the club screw Clay last season.