It is known.
It is known.
You know what I wish? I wish people would stop criticizing news judgment as being the actual problem in this situation. This happens all the time. You think if this wasn’t brought to light it would go away? I assure you it would not. Sure you could make the argument that anonymous nobodies are the only one leaning in…
Yup. They don’t. They really don’t. I read it three times to make sure I was reading what I thought I was reading. I was. Yup.
So these assholes who call themselves “fans,” are ok with dragons, ice zombies, ancient witches, assassins who can change their faces and a Frankenstein-like monster, but a rich Black guy married to a white royal is a bridge too far?
tu quoque
I mean sure. That’s a great plan, and one I live by. However, that seems like a separate issue than a lender acting in bad faith, don’t you think. Also, I know some folks who have to get a car loan to get to work to feed their family. If they lived within their means and just paid cash, they wouldn’t get to work, and…
It’s probably because it has the police package from the manufacturer. Car might suck if you’re a consumer, but you get a little extra if it’s got that option that only Copland can buy and install from the factory.
You might be onto something. Magnolia Mall in Florence, S.C., has chargers in plain view of the food court.
This happened to us recently. My wife and I were shopping for a gently used Chevy Tahoe because she has trouble riding in smaller cars because of a chronic joint issue. We had a Toyota Rav, and it was killing her.
But after getting out their truck following a collision with deer ...
Thanks for saying what I was thinking but couldn’t put into actual words.
That is 100% true. Charlie is a baby and wants to be everyone’s friend, but no one EVER approaches the car if I’m in a sketchy section of town or acts stupid if I crack the window. (except kids, who are fearless and just hug him when they see him on a walk ... he has several small neighborhood fans)
WRX, right?
Not sure about this state, but if he was working under the scope of his employer, then the employer would normally assume liability for his actions. But something like this that results in a person’s death seems like criminal charges would be reasonable.
It kind of works both ways ... site selection was short for this location.
Love this idea.
I often hear that too in South Carolina. I was a newspaper reporter when Gov. David Beasley signed the law to end car inspections in the Palmetto State in 1995. I tore up the front page that night to get that in the paper.
I will find a way to use “main bus B undervolt” at work this week. Challenge accepted.
Also, it was dramatic line, but Jim Lovell didn’t say, “Houston, we have a problem.”
Going through public records and reporting on what you find is a public service. People need to know what’s going on in their communities. Police incident reports in every municipality in America are public record and open for inspection upon request.