
... but still fun to drive. Take a test drive. Handles well and that rear-wheel drive has a kick to it. Yeah, no turbo, but just turn off the AC when you need a boost. hA

Yeah, local dealerships have let me take several used cars home to try out. I actually had to refuse to take their keys a couple of times (making me think they were really having trouble moving that particular car that I wasn’t interested in). Not every dealership did this, but more than a couple.

Love Skeletor Michael Stipe and the crew from Athens, Ga.

Love this reply! Spot on!

O’Hare? Really?!

This is hilarious. My wife once got out of a ticket by going to court with my two young sons hanging off her hip when they were still in diapers. Young mom with two babies ... guess they figured that was punishment enough.

I was on a stretch of road recently that’s typically jammed up when I drive. It was open, so I opened up the WRX a bit too much. Passed a police office sitting in the median, and I just pulled over and turned off the car.


Yup, if you’re an employer and ask, you might as well offer them the job because you’ve provided grounds.

Dude, this was hilarious, and I like the short, pithy posts that kind of reflect what I (occasionally) do, which is look for cars to see what weird thing I can find.

Yes, you are.

I think you just launched a multi-billion dollar aftermarket Model 3 front-facing skin startup. Think of the possibilities that space provides for mustachios, shark jaws, sports teams and ... wait for it ... sponsors!

All I can ever think of is a hognose snake...

hA! Me too. Thought I was the only one.

That’s it. Nailed it.

I don’t wear hats, drink Monster or drive into houses.

Not quite. I have him beat by more than a decade. But the need to “show it off” extends to taunting my slightly younger sister and her riduculous *cough* automatic Mustang.

automatic-coddled friends

So freaking hilarious.

I know what you’re saying, but I don’t think that tactic is completely working.