
“Kojima, who designed the first game, was not involved in Boktai 2's development”

I thought Botkai was always infamous for largely being erroneously attributed to Kojima. He came up with the basic outline of of the game and handed it off to another team, providing just a little oversight on the project during

Yeah there are comics about Desmond’s son. He’s a sage.

Idk what they intend to do with Juno but they keep writing comics where she’s important. She’s mucking about with Desmond’s kid or something at the moment.

Yeah, that’s a thing that’s canon btw.

For the most part yes, junior, high school and university level all largely play on the CFL ruleset. There are places here and there that don’t, but it’s relatively uncommon. One example is Simon Fraser University in Vancouver which plays American rules because it’s actually in the NCAA, not the Canadian equivalent.

Even better is somehow Sanders loses California to Bush.

FWIW: Alexandra did write a better “article” about this, that covers this in greater detail. Literally no one has looked at this game in more detail, with a more thorough approach than Alexandra. She’s essentially the expert on this particular game in both mechanical, plot and thematic approaches.

IDK if it’s kosher

Flow predates Spore by several years. The game was even criticized by many for copying Flow so directly for the first phase.